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女公爵白雪 Snow Pink

ID No:38119

¥ 749.00


Snow Pink在比佛利山庄出生,作为公爵夫人“Duchesse de Neige”,一生下来就招来了各样的目光,特别是她那吸引人的小鼻子。她花了好几年成功经营了一家专为挑剔的纯种猫提供美食的餐馆。但是对好莱坞晚会已经麻木的她只渴望一件事,那就是:可靠和深情

尺寸:28 cm



Born as “Duchesse de Neige” in Beverly Hills Snow Pink attracted a lot of attention, especially with her discerning little nose. For years she operated a very successful gourmet restaurant for finicky pure-bred cats. But the Hollywood party scene finally got to her and now she yearns for only one thing: honest, deep affection. 

Size:28 cm