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温顺的 TippsyTrippsy

ID No:38085

¥ 599.00


和传统看法相反,小小地蜈蚣其实是一种特温顺的小动物,只要捋一捋Tippsy Trippsy脑门儿上的触角,她就会用迷离的眼神望着你,在你旁边絮絮叨叨絮絮叨叨,让你昏昏欲睡 --- 甚至在你上班的时候也这样!通常你被烦得不行的时候会朝她吼一声:拜托,说点儿新鲜事儿吧。

尺寸:25 cm



Contrary to popular belief, earwigs are absolutely peaceful creatures. Pull Tippsy Trippsy’s feelers and she’ll rattle you to sleep with her hypnotic gaze – even at the office. And if she gets on your nerves, all you have to say is:” Tell me something new!” 

Size:25 cm