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发模 Pudel Nudel

ID No:38054

¥ 749.00


PUDEL NUDEL小的时候,爸爸妈妈为了打理他那身蓬乱无章的毛发,被整得精疲力竭,束手无策。但是他却能转劣势为优势,最后成为了毛发护理研发方面的一个专业测试模特。尽管如此,在平时,其实他更喜欢随意蓬松的毛发扮相。而善良的本性也让他赢得了大家的喜爱。

尺寸:28 cm



When he was still a puppy, his parents nearly lost hope trying to get his shaggy mane under control. But he made the best of a bad situation and offered his services to hair care research as a professional test model. In his private life, however, he prefers the casual, unkempt look ...and wins over every heart with his friendly nature. 

Size:28 cm