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小个子熊熊 Bonsai Bear

ID No:38128

¥ 629.00


其实BONSAI BEAR出生时很健康,只是个头长得太小了点。就算是他去了母子疗养院寻求帮助,他的个头还是赶不上其他长得比他壮得多的熊宝宝。不过干吗非得长得壮呢?比起出去抓鱼他更喜欢钻在妈妈的怀里。他可一直是只可爱的小泰迪熊啊。只要挠挠他的后脑勺他的心就属于你了。

尺寸:37 cm



He was born healthy, but much to small. Even going to a mother-child health resort couldn't help him catch up physically to the other bear cubs who were always much stronger than him. But why should he? He much prefers cuddling with his mum than going out to catch fish. He's remained a snuggly teddy. Scratch him behind the ears and he'll be yours for life!

Size:37 cm