高傲的河女王 Queen Of Nil
ID No:38245
¥ 829.00
河马潜水的时候会把鼻子和耳朵的都紧紧的堵上以防进水。当你应对一个让人讨厌的啰啰嗦嗦的大嘴巴时也可以用这一招。堵上你的耳朵这样你就什么都听不到了。Queen of Nil很高傲,完全无视别人的想法。因为一个真正的河中女王永远都把鼻子朝着天的。不过你是唯一一个让她放下所有高傲的人,因为她渴望的事只有一件,那就是:拥抱,拥抱,还是拥抱。
尺寸:40 cm
When a hippopotamus dives it closes its nose and ear holes tight to keep water out. This technique is also perfect in the company of annoying blabber mouths. Just close your ears and you can’t hear a thing! Queen of Nil is a true majesty –regardless of what the others think. Because a real river queen keeps her nose up in the air. But you’re the only one she puts aside all of her royal haughtiness for when she’s longing for only one thing: cuddling, cuddling, and cuddling.
Size:40 cm