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前任心理学医生 Doc Nightmare

ID No:38120

¥ 1049.00


Doc Nightmare不是个普通的市民,他是才华横溢的心理分析学家,有很扎实的学术底子。但是他终于厌倦了这个职业,因为要老是要听悲伤的故事。于是他决定另辟蹊径,尝试当幽灵火车上的娱乐演员,专门吓唬小孩和大人,他觉得这样的人生才够劲!。只不过他心里还挂念着这么一个人:那就是你!
尺寸:27 cm



Doc Nightmare has not only been around the block a few times, he’s also an extremely intelligent owl with a solid academic background as a psychoanalyst. Having grown tired of all the sad stories he embarked on a new path and became an actor on a ghost train to give kids and grown-ups a scare – which he finds very amusing! He’s just missing one thing: YOU! 

Size:27 cm