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镇长兼律师 Metusa Leo

ID No:38056

¥ 999.00

镇长兼律师 Leo

在他漫长的人生中,他早已厌倦不停的咆哮。所以从110岁生日后,Metusa Leo开始用温柔的语调说话,还加入了一家律师行做起了“老娘舅”的工作!。只是每到晚上,在处理了一整天的吵闹和争执以后,他倍感疲惫,极度渴望关心和爱护,而能帮到他的人也只有你!

尺寸:33 cm



He’s done enough roaring in his long, full life. Ever since his 110th birthday, Metusa Leo has taken on a softer tone and joined a legal practice as a mediator. But in the evenings, after the day’s strife, he grows very tired and longs for love and affection.Then only one person can help him: YOU! 

Size:33 cm