来自北极的爱 Icy Love
ID No:38350
¥ 899.00

因为极地冰漂移的原因,ICY Love 被带到离家遥远的地界,,他和他的兄弟最终漂流到了冰岛海岸。渔夫收留了他,把他交给了保护动物协会。现如今,现在Icy已是全球气候大使,并且朋友满天下。即便是这样,他依然在寻觅一个朋友,可以帮他挠挠他那柔软可爱的皮毛。
尺寸:34 cm
Swept far away from the polar ice drift, Icy Love and his brother landed on the coast of Iceland. A fisherman took him in and turned him over to the humane society. Today Icy works as a climate ambassador and has friends around the globe. But he’s still searching for someone to scratch his soft and cuddly fur.
Size:34 cm