抱抱虎 Hug-Me-Tiger
ID No:38348
¥ 899.00
多年来,他都为一个小小的巡回马戏团毫无怨言的工作着,直到有一天来到了Cranger Kirmes--德国最大的市集。在最近的一次精彩壮观马戏团预演中,被一只威猛的大象不小心踩到了竟然把他踩的像个煎饼!现在,他只想找个地方窝起来安心度过他的暮年。他极度渴望你能把他搂在怀里。。(老虎暗指职场上默默努力工作的小职员,大象暗指工作中遇到的某个可恶的老板。)
尺寸:42 cm
For years he worked in a small travelling circus without complaint until it happened one day at the Cranger Kirmes – one of the biggest fairs in Germany. During a newly rehearsed, spectacularly planned circus act, a bull elephant accidentally trampled him. And left him flat as a pancake! Now he’s looking for a place where he can curl up and spend his twilight years. He longs for you to hold him in your arms.
Size:42 cm