麦片死忠粉“茂斯” Musli Maus
ID No:38483
¥ 599.00
她,出生在德国首都柏林,家里从事有机食品零售,从小就是吃着有机食品长大的。渐渐长大之后,意识到均衡的饮食习惯,所以立志要传播健康的饮食生活。当然,没人看见的时候,她还是会偷吃那么一点点巧克力。。。咳咳。。。就一点点嘛。尺寸:37 cm
Musli Maus
After growing up in a small organic store in Berlin this city mouse moved out to inspire others of her kind to eat a well-balanced diet. Now and then, when nobody is watching, she treats herself to a little piece of chocolate soul food.Size:37 cm