怪兽镇的摇滚之星 Hase Rumpelfilz
ID No:38614
¥ 599.00
他是“火热黑兔”的成员之一——在60年代怪兽小镇的一个传奇乐队,成名于他们传奇的音乐会(让每一个听众嗨翻全场)。 当时年轻的他们也破坏了大量的复活节彩蛋,更不用说整个酒店客房咯。时间流逝,乐队成员也都年迈, 不过他们仍享受怪兽小镇的明星待遇 。今天乐队仍然依靠着当年的成名曲“小镇啊小镇”的版税收入维持生计。(此成名曲后由Frank Sinatra改编成“纽约,纽约”)
尺寸:37 cm
Hase Rumpelfilz
He was a member of the Hot Black Rabbits –a legendary band in BeastsTown in the 60s who made a name with their hare-raising concerts. They destroyed plenty of Easter eggs, not to mention entire hotel rooms, along the way. Rumpelfilz has grown older, of course, but he hasn’t lost any of his star appeal. Today he still lives off of the royalties earned from his BeastsTown world hit “BeastsTown, BeastsTown” (later adapted by Frank Sinatra into“New York, New York”).Size:37 cm