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发型师男神 Brave Hair

ID No:38715

¥ 899.00



他是Beasts-Town(“怪兽小镇“)的明星“造型设计师”。他的绝技是一款“波浪卷发”,可以经受任何天气的考验,24小时保持发型的风度。许多怪兽镇的小伙伴们都喜欢去他的沙龙做客,在那里寻找一个全新的自我。他最著名的的创作之一仍是他给怪兽镇的“Mopp Toddel”(中文名:肥妈)所设计的一款“年轻焕发”的发型。。。

尺寸:37 cm




Brave Hair


The star among stylists in Beasts-Town. His specialty is his signature blow-dried, wavy do that stands up to any weather. Many a Beast has discovered their new personality in his salon his salon along red their new personality in his salon A hystericalMopp Toddel wears.

Size:37 cm