大嘴巴 Bredlas Berta
ID No:37879
¥ 829.00
大嘴巴 Berta
大家对Bredlas Berta避无可避,躲无可躲。她成天叽里呱啦,家长里短,滔滔不绝,不把关于你的一切弄清楚绝不罢休。唯一让她闭嘴的办法就是你要百分百关注她,接着她就永远老实了。
尺寸:35 cm
No one can ever get past Bredlas Berta. She gaggles and tattles, twaddles and bubbles, never giving up until she knows everything about you.There is only one way you can make her stop talking nonsense: Give her your utmost attention and she will be faithful to you forever.
Size:35 cm